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One team, multiple missions

ESSEC Junior Development relies on a team of students, including experienced project managers with at least one year's experience within the association, all of whom receive ongoing training from our partners and faculty. Our consultants come from a variety of backgrounds within ESSEC, giving them a global vision of your challenges.

ESSEC Junior Development

Student Consultancy Serving Startups and Companies

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Market Study

We collect and analyze information on a specific market, in order to build an accurate picture of your current market situation and the players involved (competitors and potential customers). This enables you to master all the characteristics surrounding your project.

The aim is to make sure that your project is commercially viable.

Competitive Benchmarking

We utilise a wide range of marketing tools to understand the environment in which your company operates, and draw up a comprehensive, qualified list of your competitors. We analyze their offers, strengths and best practices in the sector, so that your company can best adapt to and differentiate itself from its environment.

Our research summaries can be used to guide strategic improvement decisions.

Commercial Prospection

Focused on searching for new business opportunities, we support you in your targeting strategy, in the identification of your channels and in the acquisition of new prospects and future customers. We take on this mission for you, or in close collaboration with your teams.

The aim is to support you in the acquisition of your customer portfolio.

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Customer Satisfaction Study

Designed to assess and measure customer satisfaction. It enables us to understand and analyze the sources of a customer's satisfaction or dissatisfaction with a product or service.

We then draw up a new strategy to optimize customer satisfaction.

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Qualitative and Quantitative Study

Quantitative research involves conducting surveys using questionnaires, administered to a significant sample, in order to draw measurable conclusions. Qualitative research is used to determine the expectations, obstacles and motivations of the population targeted by your project with regard to a particular subject, through interviews.

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Feasibility Study

The feasibility study identifies technical and financial aspects of a project in relation to the market. The aim is to identify the elements to be taken into account when designing a project, and to determine its viability by exploring the major opportunities and threats.

Structure of an assignment

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1.  Initial contact and identification of requirements

2. Quotation sent within 72 hours

3.  Research and Analysis conducted

4. Progress Review Meetings

5.  Delivery of deliverables and presentation of analysis report

1. Initial contact and identification of requirements

This is an important step in the process, enabling us to understand your requirements and the environment in which you operate. This ensures that your objectives will be clearly spelled out, enabling us to tailor our offer accordingly.

2. Quotation sent within 72 hours

We endeavour to formulate a proposal for you, incorporating not only our understanding of your problem and the method we will use to address it, but also a detailed timetable and a precise budget.

3.  Research and Analysis conducted

This stage includes a field phase, corresponding to the collection of quantitative and qualitative data concerning the predefined axis, and a study phase, corresponding to an analysis of the data in order to formulate relevant recommendations.

4. Progress Review Meetings

These meetings are important occasions to review the progress of a project. They are organized on a regular basis throughout the project, to ensure that the leads found are in line with your requirements, and to obtain feedback from the client.

5.  Delivery of deliverables and presentation of analysis report

The final phase of the study, the purpose of this stage is to deliver the final deliverable to the customer. An oral presentation at our offices in Cergy or by videoconference allows us to present and discuss the deliverable with the client.

Equipe de consultants en réunion

Start a project with us



"SOCIABBLE is a collaborative platform designed to improve internal communication between employees. In order to increase the generation of qualified leads, SOCIABBLE called on ESSEC Junior Développement to carry out a benchmark of the best tools for producing a self-assessment tool and contributed to its production, reflecting the operational aspect of our structure."



"PLAIZ is a French social network focused on new clothing trends. Wishing to increase its user acquisition on the mobile application PLAIZ called on ESSEC Junior Development to carry out a study of satisfaction and growth, linked to the level of retention, in order to improve its ratio of loyal users".



"DIPONGO is an interactive application for children designed to stimulate their creativity. To get a clearer picture of the market in which the company operates, DIPONGO called on ESSEC Junior Développement to carry out a B2C competitive analysis in order to adjust their positioning and propose strategic recommendations."


5 Nepal Park, Singapore 139408

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